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Old 04-19-2011, 08:47 AM
patricej's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
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1. It is not appropriate to post personal complaints in the public forum.

2. Key words: "General" and "Personal".

3. The rules for each section were carefully crafted with a great deal of care. Member input was requested and considered at the time.

4. If any member has had a particular type of post moved into their PDA more than once, they should (1) appreciate the fact that it was not deleted instead; (2) accept the fact that their decision about where to place it was not based on correct interpretation of policy; and (3) not repeatedly put things in places they have been shown are not correct.

5. It's up to each member to decide whether their PDA is mostly a happy one, or one filled primarily with drama and trauma. Moderators do not make that choice. We simply put things where we know they belong.

Into each life, a little reality must fall. Among those drizzles and droplets of reality is the fact that our desire to tell something to the whole world does not automatically translate to a desire among the whole world to hear it.

The moderators have all been here for a very long time. They know our policies. They are pillars of the community who are familiar with the reason and spirit of our policies. In short - they know what they are doing.

Again ... the public forum is not the proper place for personal complaints.

This matter is truly not open to negotiation or argument.
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