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Old 04-21-2011, 08:23 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2010
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Originally Posted by Airwick156
I bought 3 peices of fabric from walmart, 1 yard, red, 1 yard white, 1 yard black all the palencia brand. Because I am going to make a quilt called "Ants go Marching" from McCalls Quick Quilts September 2009 Issue.

Not sure if the brand matters or not, but I have found that the palencia brand is thicker then some others.

Anyways I give the fabric to the lady to cut and I tell her I would like 1 yard of each fabric. So she opens the bolt to measure out a yard and I noticed that she had not butted it up to the beginning of the yard stick they use, she had went BEYOND the yard stick about 3 inches. I was stunned and I told the lady "Wow do you realize that you are giving me about 3 inches more then the yard". The woman says yes I do did you not want me to do that. I told her oh no she can do it however she wants to and I was just shocked that she was doing that. She told me that she is also a quilter and it makes her madder then a hornet when they measure the fabric EXACTLY for what you ask for. Then she says...And if Walmart wants to fire me over it ...LET THEM. LOL.
Glad you at least got a full yar measure. That's really unusual, unless it is at the end of the bold. I really like the palencia fabric. I always prewash but have never had any to bleed on me. I love how it sews up . Just don't ever get the fab. that is priced about the same as palencia but a little thinner, named spring something or sun something, I can't remember, but I had to have some read for a wall hanging I was doing once, and didn't prewash it, was in a hurry, but was pressing it to a particular shape and it shrunk when I pressed it, I thought at first i had cut the block too small, so I cut some more and was sure of the size, but when I pressed it, and started to use it , that stuff had shrunk about 1/4-1/2 inch on each square.
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