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Old 04-22-2011, 06:31 AM
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Location: Littlefield, TX, USA
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Originally Posted by Gerbie

Glad you at least got a full yar measure. That's really unusual, unless it is at the end of the bold. I really like the palencia fabric. I always prewash but have never had any to bleed on me. I love how it sews up . Just don't ever get the fab. that is priced about the same as palencia but a little thinner, named spring something or sun something, I can't remember, but I had to have some read for a wall hanging I was doing once, and didn't prewash it, was in a hurry, but was pressing it to a particular shape and it shrunk when I pressed it, I thought at first i had cut the block too small, so I cut some more and was sure of the size, but when I pressed it, and started to use it , that stuff had shrunk about 1/4-1/2 inch on each square.
That was probably a 100% poly fabric...they have to have a lower setting on the iron, or they will draw up, just like a plastic cutting matt will warp/draw up in the sun.
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