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Old 04-25-2011, 02:44 PM
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I will do this too! [quote=Rita's mom]
Originally Posted by irishrose
Good morning, all. I hope you all made it through Easter without too much damage to your getting healthy plan. I did great at dinner, but did too much snacking last night at home. I will weigh myself later to see the damages.

I love Easter. I see it as a new beginning every year - sort of like a personal New Years's Day. My new beginning calls for doing more housework and reclaiming the space that clutter has taken over, so I'm off to get started. Where do I start?? The fat on my body is my body's clutter, so it can be part of the plan.

I like how you look at Easter as a personal New Years. I have made some headway with the weight issue and while I continue to work on that, I also need to get a handle on all of the clutter in my life! You have inspired me so if you don't mind I am going to copy your thought and commit to doing something each day to simplify and get rid of clutter starting today
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