Thread: Hello, all!
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Old 05-06-2011, 07:42 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Scotland
Posts: 82

Originally Posted by AskaGirl
I stumbled upon this board yesterday while searching for some QAYG tips for a queen size log cabin quilt I'm making. We recently purchased a real log cabin that was in foreclosure, so I'm making a "Courthouse Steps" version in it's honor. :) When I'm a bit further along, I'll try and figure out how to post some pictures.

Anyway, lovely community, just wanted to introduce myself. Thanks for having me.
Welcome from Scotland :)
You are so lucky! I would love to own a log cabin, will you be living in it full time? I would love to hear more about it. Also it's nice to hear from someone who makes log cabin quilts, from what I can gather you either love or hate them (I'm in the love group). Courthouse Steps is a lovely pattern.
I haven't posted photos on here myself but I'm sure there is someone out there that can 'walk' you through it, can't wait to see those photos!
Take care,
Sue (aka rummage) x
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