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Old 05-21-2011, 06:21 PM
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Here's a condensed version up to Annaquilts' post. Sorry, the bullets for each point didn't transfer in my edit/copy...

clean my coffeemaker
mix it with water to wash the windows
in the laundry to keep odors down
to clean my spa tub on a monthly basis. Just fill about jets, add one cup of vinegar and turn jets on for about 15 minutes. Keeps it nice and clean
clean grunge in washing machines, soak shower heads and taps/faucets to get , clean s/steel
Clean white vinegar over dog pee to neutralize
in my dishwasher.. half a cup (along with the tab
soak my diamond wedding rings in vinegar to clean and make them sparkle
Clean hairbrushes and combs with a vinegar/water soak
I use it each night - warm water in a plastic shoe box and 3 Tablespoons white vinegar. Soak my feet for 15 minutes. I no longer have any cracked heals, corns or nail problems.... I'm a diabetic. Must take care of the tootsies
to get grease and oil out of clothes
use vinegar and HOT water the mop my tile floors works great even the grout lines come clean
bad upper respiratory congestion, I make myself a mug of hot wine vinegar. The fumes from it boiling is enough to clear the whole town of congestion
use white vinegar to fix color on fabrics, preventing them to keep bleeding-1 cup per load - works great
garbage disposal or drains start to smell funky, vinegar and baking soda works
a spray bottle of vinegar in the shower and spray the shower walls and glass doors before I get out
to put down your kitchen sink every so often
Vinegar also cleans rusty bolts and nuts. Put the offending fasteners in a bucket and cover with vinegar. Let sit a day or two, then thoroughly wash the nuts and bolts. Use a wire brush if needed to remove any stubborn debris. Make sure that you use plenty of water to rinse because the vinegar will continue to eat away at the metal. After they are dry spray with some WD-40
to wash out my coffee maker
in with the towels about once per month instead of fabric softener. It cuts down on fab softener buildup and towels are able to absorb more water
to wash produce. One part vinegar to 3 parts water
Pat some on a sunburn
In the laundry
down the drains put baking soda in first. Add vinegar to keep grease clogs down
any medical equipment that you reuse I have asthma and take breathing yz. I use vinegar to " sterilize" the mouthpiece and medicine cup.
Could prob use it on pacifiers
wash windows
clean outdoor furniture
old cola to get rust off metal
use as a general cleaning product with bi-carb for clean coffeepot, counters, shower, tile floors, laundry and to clean my cpap
it also cleans stainless steel, like the fridge and dishwasher
if you are on a fat free diet then one table spoon of cider vinegar in a quarter glass of water will help break down any fat you eat and so help to dispel it faster so it does not have a chance to get digested
put some malt or white vinegar into water to clean your windows , tiles or mirrors. sponge over and then use newspaper to dry and polish for a real sparkle
In drains, sprinkle a little baking soda, and then slowly pour in white vinegar to create a volcano and clean out the drains. I finish by pouring hot water
If anyone sweats profusely, using a vinegar wash under arms neutralizes the odor, and also seem to reduce later sweat smell
Vinegar in the wash water, plus add it to the rinse - stains out, and fresh smelling clothes
put vinegar in a spray bottle and use it to clean everything: put vinegar in a spray bottle and use it to clean everything; i.e., kitchen counters, windows, tile floor, dusting wood furniture, etc. It disinfects, leaves a shine, and windows don't have streaks. I don't cut the vinegar with water, just use it full strength and wipe off with micro fiber rags. It works better and is much less expensive than buying a variety of specialized cleansers for different jobs
to strip wallpaper. Srpayed it on too, let it soak in a bit & the paper came right off. Probably took off any leftover paste too
mix 1/2 water 1/2 vinegar(white) in a bwl and soak washcloths for a sunburn, you can feel the heat on the cloth coming out
mix apple cider in hot water with honey and drink
a tablespoon of vinegar in a cup of water. Put it in a spray bottle and keep in your sewing room girls. Spray it on the fabric when you iron. It takes out stubborn wrinkles. (learned this at a demonstration at a quilt show)
mop or hardwood oak floors with white vinegar
Apple Cider and Vinegar have MANY health advantages: for his arthritis
For weight (1 glass in ice water w/ 2/tsp of apple cider vinegar before EVERY meal)
who was a professional painter (way back in the 30s-50s) used it to strip wallpaper
those little books they sell in the market at the checkout stands about vinegar and honey. $.99 you will be AMAZED at all of the fantastic uses. My kids always did a science project in school where you soak an egg in vinegar and the shell turns very very soft. The experiments are endless
a capful of apple cider vinegar in every gallon of my dogs' drinking water,the fleas and ticks stay away
I use it to get rid of cooking odors when I fry bacon or burgers, and especially if I fry fish of any kind. I just sit a small pyrex custard cup on the stove or counter top, and fill about 2/3 full and the odors go away. I can't stand to go out the next day and come back in and smell what I cooked the night before. Won't do it with vinegar
use white vinegar instead of fabric softener. Just put it in the machinne where the fabric softener goes. Whitens, softens, and cuts static
vinegar and water in a spray bottle kills ants
use it to clean my pergo floors
pour some vinegar on my cutting board before chopping onions, helps to keep the crying down
Vinegar is great for spraying weeds
A bowl of vinegar will get rid of that new paint smell after you paint a room
use it to get the smells out of old fabric like musky smells
best window cleaner and shower cleaner. It is also great for hard wooden floors

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