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Old 05-24-2011, 10:33 AM
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Originally Posted by BrendaY
Folks are so willing to help families when they become aware of something like this. I suggest that you contact the local newspaper and tell them about this. In my area they are very willing to do "human interest" stories where there is need.
This gives legitimacy,while letting folks know. Also, a local bank usually is willing to set something up for donations for the family. You might check with your police dept. too.

There is much that can be done! You can be a huge blessing to this family! Please let me know what happens! Blessings!

I was thinking of keeping it more on the close knit community/family and friends level. We live in a small town, the police chief's daughter goes to our school also! Most everyone by now knows so I don't think there will be a problem with the legitimacy aspect. (I sometimes forget that things are a lot different outside of our little world.) Although, if I can get it going, we do have the son of one of the local reporters at the school as well, we could get some coverage that way.

Thanks for help thinking outside the box!
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