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Old 06-08-2011, 04:51 AM
aggiebears's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: North Texas
Posts: 76

Same here my MIL gave me her sewing cabinet with "an old machine in it". My husbands grandmother had given it to her. I left it in the garage for 3 or 4 years. Well I was wanting one of those machines also. I went and looked just to see what the old machine was. It was a 1952 Singer 15-91 that looks like yours. I spent $60 having the lamp and the wiring replaced. I may never go back to my other machine. Until I had this machine I had never pieced a quilt on a machine (it wasn't possible with the other machine ... I'm keeping its identity secret to protect it.). I am now trying to quilt my first quilt. I will post photos soon. I am soooo happy you found your new friend.
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