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Old 06-11-2011, 01:07 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Lowell, MA
Posts: 14,083

I agree - up to a point. In the process of moving to an apartment (albeit reluctantly), I had to bite the bullet and actually found out how much fabric I had in plastic bins, plastic bags, etc., etc. There was fabric in my bedroom closet, fabric in the bedroom, fabric in my sewing room upstairs, and fabric in the basement sewing room (abandoned temporarily so that we would not have to heat it in winter and cool it in summer - plus we had an empty nest). I could have gone on that TV reality show about hoarders, however, I never thought of my fabric stash as an addition, as I used it, just not as fast as I could have. Plus when my sister passed away, I inherited her fabric stash. Despite purging, donating fabric to charity quilt groups, passsing on to friends (some of whom had passed part of their stash on to me), I am somewhat reluctant to tell you that I moved over 15 bins of fabric, patterns, batting, etc. However, in the past year I have reduced that amount by a third just by going through each plastic bin and simply refolding it neatly, and sorting by type - Christmas, fall, clothing for new granddaughter, you get the idea. What it all boils down to is that I am a fabricaholic and proud of it, and no one ever turns down one of my quilted creations, plus quilting and sewing keep me sane - how else do you think I've survived being with hubby 24/7 for the last 5 years since he became disabled and I was laid off? Never change.
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