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Old 06-17-2011, 10:36 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Dallas area, Texas, USA
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It makes me want to try the bias binding attachment that came with the Featherweight. I was looking for a video of it, but found this one on a more recent Pfaff: It's similar to the one that came with the old Singers, which was common and standard equipment for decades.

I noticed that these people are working in a large space that's open to the outside, and I imagine that helps to keep the level of lint down a bit. I wonder about the climate and what it's like if there are very hot or very cold seasons.

I know it would drive me nuts to do one step over and over all day - but I'm sure there are lots of jobs much worse than that, and they're probably thankful to have jobs at all.

I'll bet in spite of their great skills, none of these workers will go on to do hobby sewing of any kind after hours, but maybe I'm wrong.
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