Old 06-22-2011, 04:10 AM
irma tapia
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Originally Posted by karenm36
I'm just so sad...I don't know where to go from here. I posted a few days ago this beautiful collection of green and purple fabric that I got on sale and was going to use it for a quilt for my DDIL. And so many of you gave me great ideas for a pattern...I could hardly contain my excitement about starting this quilt! But now I'm crushed!

Well, a little back story here...I had some yellow fabric that kept fading when I pre-washed it. My other colors didn't seem to do this...just the yellow. (No I don't use bleach or have bleach in the detergent). So I purchased some Retayne and it worked beautifully keeping the color in so nicely. Well since most fabric looses just a little color when washed...I thought I'd use the Retayne on the fabric for my DDIL's quilt...because I wanted the fabric to look as pretty as possible. I followed the directions to the "T". But...after examining the fabric when it came out of the dryer I realized ALL the pieces had some degree of fading spots on them. Looks terrible! The Retayne worked on parts of the fabric but not all...everything has this mottled look to it. :cry:

Don't know if this can be fixed or not...I don't know how to approach solving this. This was sale fabric so most of it's gone by now...and I can't afford to buy it all over again anyway. Sigh...any ideas? Since all of the fabric is like this...do I go ahead and use it anyway...saying it's meant to have a "vintage, worn-out look" to it?

Just need to vent here. Thanks for your collective listening ear. But if anyone has any idea as to how I can make all this messed up fabric work I sure would appreciate your ideas. I'll post one pic so you can see it...it's hard to see as the camera doesn't capture it very well but you'll get the idea.
I would go ahead and use it, I have a large piece of fabric that has this kind of look. I'm sure your quilt will turn out beautiful ;)
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