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Old 06-24-2011, 04:52 AM
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 79

Originally Posted by hox3080
I have been quilting for a relatively long time, but just made the most foolish of errors. I haven't ever really worked with reds, or at least reds with light colors, and just made a quilt that I absoutely love, all dark reds and off whites. I washed all the fabric first, then cut, stitched and competely forgot that the reds would most likely continue to bleed when I washed it again. Right now, it's done, as a top, and I am scared to death to quilt it, because I would be even more heartbroken if I did even more work and lost it to bleeding. I have read about Retayne, but everything said that it needs to be done when first washing the fabric...too late for that:-( Any suggestions?
I wouldn't worry if you washed it already and no bleeding so far.
I agree with Wash with Synthrapol or color catcher.

Welcome from Ohio.
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