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Old 06-25-2011, 03:21 AM
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Originally Posted by PaperPrincess
Originally Posted by shellyp
Originally Posted by PatriceJ
human beans. what'cha gonna do wit' 'em? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Soylent Green. ;-)
Now how many folks are gonna "get" this reference! An oldie but a goodie.
Who could forget Charlton Heston?

This has been an interesting discussion. The main consensus seems to be that people should label their topics more carefully, and try to put them in the right place. I think there are (fairlly easy) ways to change the interface for new topics that would encourage people to think about their titles and placement. Patrice, is that something that the admin's would even consider? For instance, instead of putting the topic automatically into the section that the user was in when selecting 'create new topic', make the user select the section from the new topic page. Give guidelines at that point on what goes where. When the user puts in the title, give some guidance on making it specific. If the title is really short (e.g. "need help"), encourage the user to add more words. I'm sure there are lots more ways this could be accomplished, and it would be a big help to everyone, not just new members.
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