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Old 07-02-2011, 03:56 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 853

Ewww...these posts are enough to scare me away from buying fabrics in certain places. Not! But, I will be very careful. We are not apt to purchase used fabric, but this can happen anywhere I suppose.

I sent a queen-sized double wedding ring to an Oklahome long arm quilter once. It came back with a large bug quilted right in between the top and the batting. I had a terrible time getting that out and repairing the stitches. They did not make any adjustment and I never sent them another quilt to do. Yuck.

Roach proof is mostly boric acid and I have used that a lot in Mississippi, Georgia and even Tennessee. It does work and is not that expensive. Good luck in removing your problem!
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