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Old 07-08-2011, 04:54 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Daytona Beach Shores, FL
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Originally Posted by kathy6696
ok, i am back. I am so excited about all these scrappy quilts, all wonderful. I went and took a picture of my first (WIP) scrappy quilt, used the leader and ender method. The sixteen patches were all truly a mix of scraps, the star blocks are done with fabrics from my stash. (I can't even believe I have a stash, small as it is.) I don't know how big it is going to be yet, I guess that depends on how many more star blocks I can make. I am thinking about a country type red for a border and then maybe a border of the patches. What do you think This is also the first time I am posting a picture, so let's cross our fingers.
Great quilt!! Can't wait to see it finished.
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