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Old 07-10-2011, 11:46 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2010
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Originally Posted by carolaug
That was awesome!!!
Originally Posted by Lady-T
Originally Posted by sixfootroad
Has anyone else noticed a decrease in their hummingbird population this year? Usually I have 15-20 by this time, but I've only seen 4 or 5. Wondering if the recent storms that ripped thru the area caused them to avoid coming here, or if there is some ecological problem. I've also seen a lot less of the bee population.
I know where they are ...... they're HERE!
We are going through almost 2 lbs. of sugar a DAY!!

Here's a video I uploaded that's focused on ONE feeder.
(we have 6 feeders hanging)
This was filmed June 9, 2011 (enjoy)
Good job Carol. They come fast and leave just as quickly. we get dribs and drabs until the last week of July then we get slam dunked. I am averaging a quart of sugar water a day, have built from 5 to 10 birds up to about 20 birds. A new flock came in yesterday morning. They arrive tired and hungry, eat then they settle down to stay for awhile. Our house is one they have selected for migration since we have lived here. August is our peak . I am resting while I can. During peak week we feed 3 gallons of sugar water a day.
Would love to see photos of the hummers nest(s). Some members have posted the ones they have and described them. So precious.
One of our neighbors cats would stalk them, I spray the water hose in his direction a few times then he started staying away. Just the sound would scare him.
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