Old 07-15-2011, 06:52 AM
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This is a tutorial to do the side pieces and if you cut the corner squares at 3 1/2" I think the center is 6 1/2" so sew the 4 rect. Ones then sew one 3 1/2" on either side of the rectangle. This is from Deb Watkins

This is the completed center block with the four corners.

Let's begin to make the 4 flying geese. Take one of the color 3 (orange rectangle) right side up. Take one of the color 4 (beige) 3-1/2 x 3-1/2" squares, draw a line from one corner to the other. Place the square on the rectangle with the line from the center to the outside.

Sew ON the line from the center to the bottom corner.

This shows the progression of the block. Top - 3-1/2' square sewn on rectangle. Middle shows cutting 1/4" from the line. Bottom shows the corner pressed open.

Now do the same with the right side with another 3-1/2 square.

Progression for the right side of the flying geese. You will make 4 of these.

Now let's start to make the 4 corner pieces. Take one of the color 2 (red/orange floral), and one of the color 4 (beige) 3-7/8 x 3-7/8 blocks and put them right sides together. Draw a line fron corner to corner.

Instead of sewing ON the line, sew 1/4" TO THE LEFT OF THE LINE.

When you get to the end, turn the block around and do the same. You will now have two sewn lines on either side of your drawn line from corner corner.

Cut ON the line.

From one 3-7/8 square block you will now have two half square triangles (HST) Repeat this with the other block. You will have 4 HST. Cut the little dog ears off of these blocks.

Now all of the pieces are made. You have one center, four flying geese and four corner HST. Place one of the FG on either side of the center block, with the tips or points pointing away from the center block. Sew them on.

Attach one HST to either side of another FG, making sure of the color placement of the HST.

Originally Posted by JanetWall
Originally Posted by Crafty3790
Which pattern have you been trying I have one that I use with my embroidery that is easy and sets of the embroidery nicely. Also what size seam are you using that makes all the difference.

Originally Posted by JanetWall
Ok I CAN NOT do this. To all my partners I can only do EMBROIDERY BLOCK"S . I have been working on this block for two day's. And it comes out to 12 inch not 12 1\2. So I'm hanging up my hat. Only Embroidery blocks from me. If I don't have the design you want it's cheaper for me to buy it than waist all of this fabric trying to get these blocks right. So Thank you for letting me vent. I'm so mad at myself right now.

I was trying the Eight Point Star. I'm doing the 1/4 scant like it say's but. dont come out to 12 1/2.
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