Old 08-11-2011, 03:31 AM
Patti Mahoney
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Maryland
Posts: 349

You Go Girl! ! ! I am a new quilter. Heck, I haven't even completed my first project yet. I just finished an applique class last week. My opinion..Time to find a new group of ladies to hang out with. Older does not mean wiser (or smarter). I have a mother in law who thinks she is the 'WO-MAN' and I can do nothing right. Well, I've had it with her and her snooty nose in the air attitude. If she can do better, I say, 'Go For It Babe'. You keep doin' whatch'er doin'. And forget those bunch of people. The class I took had the most awsome instructor and classmates. I'm sorry these people are making you feel bad. Our instructor told use that our quilts are our own and we can make them any way we want....Never give up the Quilt! ! ! Horray for you! ! !
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