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Old 08-11-2011, 07:12 AM
Glenda C.
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Texas
Posts: 60

I am making my brother and sister-in-law and family quilt.
For each grand child and each great-grand child I am embroidering something they have been active in. Foot ball, soccer, cheer leading, some of them sing, love cookies, interested in makine vidoes. Just so when my sister-in-law and brother look at that square they will have fond memories of that child etc. For each of their children I am doing and wedding design, and a different design for their grand children that are married. I only have 32 blocks to make. Have any of you done this before? I need to know how to quilt this one. It will be for a queen size bed. I would love to do it by hand, but it will take forever. Thanks for any suggestions, Glenda C.
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