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Old 08-15-2011, 08:09 AM
Covered in Threads
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Flagstaff, Arizona
Posts: 375

As in so many tools of the trade, there preferences and individual needs.
For my self, my favorite "bright" lite that I take to retreats, camping, traveling is my "Day Light" that I got a number of years ago from JoAnn's on clearance. It's on an extremely heavy base but has an adjustable neck arrangement so it can go from 24" to 48" in height. It has a half moon shield to reflect all the light in whatever direction I need and swivels, too! Lots of features on one $20 light.
I aso have a number of Ott lights (floor, desk, battery) but as others have said, not as bright as I would like them so my DH added the track lights in my sewing room to get what I was looking for. And as my eyes get tired (and yes older) I'm seeking more light.
So as we all know there are so many perference to sewing machines there is also the perference and needs for lighting. I see it as an adventure and have even come find the new halogen lights help in some aspects.
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