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Old 08-18-2011, 03:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Kellie G
Originally Posted by arizonagirl
I had just go done reading mimom's post wishing that it was me as I really could use a pick me up from dealing with all the pain and in comes DH with a package from my SP: Kim aka: mimom. Now I know that you are all going to be jealous of my mug rug that she made special for me, but it can't be helped. Along with the most perfect mug rug made special for me as I collect snow globes, I also got 4 fat quarters 3 of which were also used in the mug rug. Did tell you guys as awesome the mug rug is yet??? I also got a beautiful card that am going to put up on the wall by my sewing machine so that I can look at it. I couild smell the gummie bears before I even opened the package. It had to go right into the fridge as it was now liquid, but after a bit it will firm back up and then I and eat it. It will be what we like to call a gummie slab. I also got a small calculator that is also a magnetic clip, very cool as I am always loosing calculators. I got a travel sewing kit, a package of hand sewing needles to use when I try doing my first hand quilted mini whole cloth quilt. I also got flower shaped memo pads and the cutest note cards with 2 mice carrying a strawberry. Oh and did I remember to tell you about the very first mug rug that I have ever had that was made special for me and so spectacular? Thank you Kim this made me so happy.
I think she likes the mug rug, I would too, it looks great!!! What a wonderful idea to make a snow globe.....Nice looking package.
she likes snow globes, try finding one this time of year. I received a mug rug in July's swap and just thought it was so special and decided to make them for my August sp's. They are fun and you get a feeling of connection with your sp when designing it to their likes.

Glad you like it, I really enjoyed making it just for you.
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