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Old 08-24-2011, 05:11 AM
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luvTooQuilt's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: A Hop from Heaven, a Skip from Sanity and a Jump from the Good Life....
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In a fine spray bottle I put downy liquid and dilute it with water- just enough that the water is light light light blue- spray the carpet to reduce static and freshens the room too..

Make my own starch
1 cup Sta-flo concentrated starch
1 cup water
1 cup frebreeze any scent
mix/shake with lid on, in a clean spaghetti jar and pour in an empty Best press starch bottle

when my Cello kitchen pad gets to yucky (embarrassing more like it) for dishes I use it to clean the bathrooms

I re-use my empty frebreeze sprayers for vinegar or bleach to use for cleaning..

Clear plastic containers that the fruit-strawberries, grapes and the like, salad, comes in are great for fabric scraps..

I use spaghetti jars to:
~ hold/display buttons and smaller quilting items
~ store homemade humming bird sugar water in the fridge..
~ store craft items for my daughter to play with
~ use as a 'vase' after my lil one painted it - great out-of-my-hair-craft
~ store the freebies; salt packets, sugar packets, ketchup, mustard that come in the to-go bags

I put two good squirts of dish soap( less than an inch) in an empty bottle and dilute with water to wash dishes.

I keep shoe boxes handy to hold scraps until i have time to organize them and/or cut them down then put in their perspective places

i keep an empty milk/tea jug to water my plants with..

I use plastic 2 ltr soda bottles to water the garden- bought an attachment to screw on so while upside down will gradually water the garden..

mesh baggie for soap slivers....

use clothes pins on hangers to keep clothing from slipping off the hangers

use a multi pant hanger to hold and organize quilt tops and another one for assorted with strips

hang clothes outside to dry instead of using dryer
in the winter I have a bypass to allow the heat of the dryer to come in instead of venting out to warm up the area

turn orphan blocks into hot pads as gifts- and save batting scraps just for this purpose

use paper plates and paper napkins when its just me or me a my lil one- no dishes to be washed, no soap to be used, no running of the dishwasher, and more time for me to quilt!

cut the flat end of the tubes (toothpaste, face cleansers) to get up to five more uses..

swap fabrics with fellow members instead of buying new..

left over ice cubes put in potted plant to gradually water then as they melt

I use vinegar in the dishwasher instead of a rinse aide

buy in bulk and foodsaver (sucky-bag ) them

use crock pot instead of oven in the summer

use oven more in the winter

use fireplace in the winter

cook more for leftovers

I use gifted candles instead of turning all the lights on.. I keep the main light on and the glow gives off ample lighting thru out the rest of the area..

close doors and cut off vents to the unused rooms of the house- i made bean bags to cover the vents in those rooms..

made under the door bean bags to trap heat/ac in specific rooms that are connected to the foyer- plus each floor has its own heat/ac unit..

older window frames have bean bags on them too to reduce drafts..

re-use large ziplock baggies for 'garbage'

re-use the plastic containers that 'snap' shut like ziplocks for left overs and other various uses..
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