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Old 08-24-2011, 05:19 AM
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Originally Posted by plainpat
.Make your own tea/coffee,

:lol: When I first read this I was like, what do you mean make my own coffee and tea? It's takes a special climate to grow the beans/tea plants and then....ohhhh...make it at home and not buy it at Starbucks....that makes more since.

I've gone the stay flo starch method also, add water and frebreeze any scent. Those spray cans never expell the entire amount, about half way through the nozzle messes up, even though I pull it off and rinse it and other things

I shop the sales, don't go to as many stores as I used to. I would hit one store for the one thing on sale, and then wind up buying more on impuluse, hit the next store and pick up that sale item + more. Now I shop primarily at the large international market for produce, and Aldi's for just about everything else.
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