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Old 08-26-2011, 03:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Peckish
I stepped onto my deck this morning and saw this in my neighbor's back yard. Is it just me, or do those look like beehive boxes?? I sure hope my neighbor is NOT getting bees. I am not in the country, this is a neighborhood filled with children. My husband is EXTREMELY allergic to bee stings.

Sigh. I guess I'd better get on the phone to the county.
I would go ahead and call code enforcement. Unless the code enforcement officer is a total jerk, they don't give out tickets for the 1st time they come out there. They generally explain what, if anything, you've done wrong and tell you what you need to do to fix it. They then give you a time frame for taking care of the issue. We had code enforcement come to our house for our garden (the neighbors didn't like it and thought it was overgrown) and that is exactly what happened.
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