Old 09-14-2011, 06:13 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Long Island, NY
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Originally Posted by nancia
krystyna-- i know how you feel! my mailbox is so starved i'm not sure it could hold a postcard! i hate that people do not write thank you's anymore. remember how nice it was to get a hand written note from someone? i made my kids say thank you, but i didn't realize just how short sighted i was! i've given my kids some expensive and thoughtful gifts and haven't rec'd thank you's, except from my over achieving dd. someday she'll inherit everything and the boys will wonder why!
Well, I actually emailed my sister to see if she had opened the package I sent. I knew she got it. She said yes. Thank you for more junk to clutter up my house. She's a tough one to love, but I do anyway.

Not a peep from the nephew who got and cashed a check for $50 nor from the parents of twins who received some really nice quilts and a large check for each of them.

Maybe they don't have stamps. Or my email. Or manners.

I'm over it. I didn't send the gifts for the thank you, but some days you get in a cranky mood when not a single one says thanks.

Actually, I brought a huge donation of several cases of food to my parish pantry yesterday and intentionally left it in the vestibule of the Church before Mass so that I wouldn't have the same issue with them or ~

"What is this stuff? (Food, you idiot!)

"Where did you get it?" (I robbed it from an old lady!)

"Is it expired?" (Yes, of course it is and whoever eats it will get botulism poisoning. Bwahahaha! You discovered my evil plan!)
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