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Old 09-23-2011, 10:51 AM
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 20

So . . . before I began quilting, my DH and I received a lovely quilt for a wedding gift. I'm too embarrassed to post a pic, but it is a little larger than lap size and is made out of one large panel on one side and a panel w/a border on the other side. We love the material it is made out of . . . however, the problem is that we stupidly washed it without paying attention to the directions and it came out with a couple "L" shaped tears about 1-2 inches wide. Also, the quilt now does not lay flat (the middle is longer than the sides). There is not a lot of quilting (no stippling, etc.)--just some stitch in the ditch. Do any of you have any suggestions on how I might be able to repair this quilt? Can I replace the batting and re-quilt?
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