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Old 10-04-2011, 09:26 PM
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Originally Posted by squilter
I could of swore you lived in my town.....I worked for the Welfare Office for almost 30 years and these are some of the names I saw also. We really got some weird ones, I remember one name that had EVERY letter of the alphabet in it and the mother couldn't even pronounce it.

Originally Posted by Teddybear Lady
I have friends who were nurses a few years ago. They said they would offer up "made up" names to some of the mothers who hadn't decided on a name. Some of them actually took the names to heart. Some I remember are...Placenta, Le mon jel lo, and O range jel lo ( both pronouced as accented here. haha
Oh We had one like that. His father didn't even know how to spell it. We all called him AJ. His middle name was Jehosephat.

Can't say too much, I have a cousin who is named Samantha Emmaline followed by a big long Polish last name starting with KW and ending with SKI and all kinds of letters in between, lol
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