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Old 10-05-2011, 04:40 PM
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Originally Posted by sewmary
I made my own starch this weekend, thanks to all the ladies here. I wanted to starch some yardage and decided I didn't want to spray it. So got a container. mixed up cornstarch and water (cold from the hose!) and dipped my fabrics in, making sure they were well coated. Squeezed them out gently and put on clothes line to drip dry - smoothing them out. I now have starched fabric which needs very little ironing because it dried flat on the line. (Oh - I had previously washed and dried the fabric in the dryer for shrinkage and to get rid of the sizing.)

Dumped the excess starch on the grass, sprayed out the container, and

The only thing I think I would do different next time is make the starch heavier.

Am using the fabric very soon, if I can ever stop goofing up on my current project!
If you don't have time to iron all your fabric you can put it in a ziploc bag
and put it in the fridge for a day or two or in the freezer for long period.
I've never used the freezer myself but that's what Anita Grossman said in
her article about starch. I like to put my starched fabric overnight in the
fridge regardless of time. It helps distribute the starch more evenly.
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