Thread: My inheritance
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Old 10-08-2011, 04:31 PM
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Originally Posted by brendadawg
I am so blessed to have this very special Singer. It was my grandmother's. It didn't have a motor originally, so my grandpa bought a motor from grainger and installed it. Worked like a charm the last time anyone tried it, which was probably 40 years ago (LOL). My mom got the machine from my grandmother, and I always knew it would be mine someday, since my sister doesn't sew. Mother died some 20 years ago and all her stuff stayed in the house with daddy. He passed away last spring, and we're just now sorting through everything. I am so proud of this machine. DH is in the process of cleaning it up, although it didn't look too bad considering the age. BTW, you should have seen the condition of the belts and the electric cord--bad, really bad. Another job for DH.

Nice to have this item :):)
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