Old 10-08-2011, 10:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Quilty-Louise
If/when you drink coffee, hot tea or any hot beverage
do you like to use certain cups or mugs depending on
what your drinking?

I do, if I am drinking coffee I use one of four mugs, but
most often it is my mickey mouse mug that I like to use.
When I drink hot tea I like to use my celestial seasonings
mug I have or a clear cobalt blue mug. But when I drink
hot chocolate I will use any mug except the big ones.

What are your preferences (if any)?
This is so funny- my favorite mug is a Minnie Mouse mug. The handle broke off and I glued it back on with Gorilla glue so I can continue to use it. Did I mention it is huge? It must hold at least 22 ounces. I hate small cups.
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