Old 10-09-2011, 10:29 AM
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Cypress, Texas
Posts: 4,728

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at church, open one out of town gift Christmas Eve (took the edge off the little ones and got them to bed sooner), after opening gifts Christmas morning off to Mom's for lunch and more presents. After the cousins reached college age, my SIL started Christmas Eve at her house in Louisiana. Drive to Lafayette the day before and up very early Christmas morning to drive back to Houston for Christmas with my family. Elf on the Shelf is an old one at my house and leaving cookies and milk for Santa. Hopefully first grandchild (girl) will be born before Christmas this year and we start another round of traditions. I love the whole season from Thanksgiving thru the New Year...too many traditions to list. Chocolate orange is a favorite here as well.
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