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Old 10-14-2011, 05:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Cre8tvlwyr
Originally Posted by sandpat
Originally Posted by Cre8tvlwyr
.. I hear you quilt as you go on DJ? But then Losie also mentioned something about you 'quilting' blocks together and then machine quilting the top??
I'm not getting that - I've actually been considering doing the entire AOTH quilt by hand since I haven't machined anything at this point [of course, I'm only on the sixth block...]

Is there a good tutorial or any advice on how to proceed by hand as a QAYG??
Hi Gus, I'm not Lesley of course, but I can point you in the right (I think) direction. Here is how she, I, Elle, Jan and probably a few more have done our Jane quilts. I seriously considered doing my AOTH this way as well...but I decided that I would like ALL the quilting to show on the back for this one and also I want the back to be 1 piece. So...I am going to quilt in sections, but the back will only be 1 piece. There was a tute on this method on the board also. That method is a machine quilted method though.

I loved how Jane turned out and the bonus was that when I was finished piecing my blocks, all the quilting was also done. Anyway, the link is to where Lesley started her quilting on Jane.
I've read over everything...great stuff!! thanks. I have another thought though. If you stitch in the ditch at any point at all for your final quilt, wouldn't it be easier to make your final quilt sandwich with top batting and back sections?? when you sew your blocks together carefully you will be stitching in the edge of the block ditch wouldn't you? Then all your stitches would show and you would be dealing with small pieces at a time???
I'm probably answering the wrong way, but I'm not sure you have found how the top/batting is sewn. You hand quilt all your blocks (but not close to the edges), then you trim up all the blocks with the batting (only) attached. Flip them over and sew the blocks into rows, etc....then hand sew your batting together. THEN...lay the whole top/batting attached on the backing, baste and THEN do your SITD quilting (which you can do on the machine or by hand. So the SITD is done last and is used mostly to hold the entire quilt sandwich together....ok...sorry...I probably totally misunderstood your question...if so, maybe Lesley or someone else can answer as well.
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