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Old 10-19-2011, 10:16 AM
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Join Date: May 2011
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Originally Posted by fidgety
this handiquilter tabletop frame? I have this along with the microhandles, and I am trying to find out the worth of it. I recently purchased the HQSS set down and I am wanting to sell this but I dont have a clue as to what it is worth.. I have looked at the HQ site and not found any info on it. If you know anything please pm me and let me know..
I have the same thing, still set up mostly. haven't used it in years, except to roll batting on when making the sandwich.

Can't imagine that it's worth much today but I don't know. Person buying it has to purchase a table (mine is one of those 10 ft plastic banquet types) and have to fasten the framework with miels of ducttape. But again mine is still holding.
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