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Old 10-19-2011, 10:39 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 345

Originally Posted by SoozeeDoozee
When my best friend took me there in the early 90s, one half of the store had blowout priced flat folds in stacks about a foot taller than my arms would reach. Wow, was that fun. Thanks for rekindling a great memory.
That store has changed a lot since the 90's. It used to look like a dump that was just a fabric outlet. It
had ladies in babooshkas who didn't speak English who would practically cut your arms off if you touched one of the very few carts for your fabric. The flannels were flatfolds that were almost stacked to the ceiling of poor quality but cost only $1.00 per yard. In the windows there were miles and miles of cheesy curtain nylon and nothing was computerized so check-out was really a trial.
I'm told that it has been taken over by a newer generation that has it's feet in the current century and thus the store you see in these pictures.
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