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Old 10-19-2011, 06:19 PM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
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Originally Posted by QuiltnCowgirl
Wow! I bet those letters would be precious to his family. I wonder if you could locate them somehow? ( / google / facebook /
These are marvelous sites!!

Many years ago, about 1957, my ex DH was discharged from the Air Force and we left his base to go to another state. With us went a box of papers from 3 of his friends, "for safe keeping". After 53 years and the loss of new DH of 39 years, I was cleaning out old papers and found the 3 friends' papers from the AF and their letters from home and even birth and marriage certificates. I never found the Jones and other usual named man, but did find one man's only son in Tenn online. He was startled and very pleased to have masses of his dad's private possessions sent to him. He said that he sat down with the only remaining Aunt and she gave names, dates and connections to the many folks in the masses of pictures.

Personally, that made me go through my old pictures and put names, dates and places on the ones I could recognize..and it's not easy after half a century. I'd advise everyone to try to do the same, especially at family get to-gethers.
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