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Old 10-20-2011, 06:18 AM
Junior Member
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Nowhere'sville Ohio (Yorkville!)
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Originally Posted by Sewfine
Originally Posted by KastleKitty
Sewfine, I have a similar buttonholer on mine. I was going to post a picture, but I will do it later today after I clean off some of the gummy tape residue that is stuck on the bed. LOL Maybe we Kenmore owners can find a source for some parts. I have some attachments for various things that are in two parts, foot and fastener. Somehow I lost the fastener making the many feet useless! I went to Sears looking for help, but they don't keep vintage stock. Kitty
I can do a research when I get off this evening for a nice inexpensive place to buy parts.
It would be wonderful to find an address or two and then post it here, plus under a different heading where other Kenmore owners can easily find it too! Maybe under Offline Events, Announcements, Discussions??? Doesn't quite look like there is a listing for general machine information. Maybe "Machine Help and Upkeep." That would be a helpful section! ...............there goes my obsession with sorting things again! LOL Kitty
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