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Old 10-23-2011, 07:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Kayaker26
I have read both the original topic and todays and while I understand some people do have problems you all are just too nice this girl is a witch with a b. Why is it people are not called on their crap but given an excuse for it. She should have been told along time before this to keep her nasty opinion to herself.
we really all agree with you, but (heres the BUT, lol) 1. she wouldnt even understand why you're yelling at her, shes so shallow and self absorbed, so, 2. it will make you even madder to have wasted your breath pointing out her doodoo attitude, and 3. it gives her the attention she really wants undreneath; attention is attention in her world.
to start to change her she needs to be shunned for her badness and every little tiny nice thing she can do must be phrased - so she wants to be nicer and nicer. That is what she should have learned when she was about 10 mos old and up - she should have had that down before kindergarden. Now, she may go her whole life this way, and its sad because she's doing this to herself and doesnt even know it. We can walk away from her and tell her off, tell her to leave, but she can't walk out on herself. She may have been a really wonderful person and friend, and that is a waste of a life.
There are a lot like her roaming the world these days. sharet
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