Old 10-24-2011, 01:37 PM
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I'm so glad this posting is here!! I've been 'poor me-ing', doing the victim thing cause I have to work and am so ADD I think I need a different med for it, that it's hard to have time or focus to quilt...
Yet I sit on here, looking at all the beautiful quilts, and I want, I want!! lol!! But to get them - I need to make them! ;)
I did very recently start sewing again, haven't since last February when I finished my son's flannel log cabin. I'm making my quitar playing DH a big quitar wallhanging. :) :) I'm just so hit and miss about going in and working on it!
I bought a bunch of summery material, was going to make a summertime quilt (last Spring!), and I see all of yours, so I get sideteacked still thinking of how I'll make mine... Then I've been checking out the BOM pictures...
I look at all the material/books/magazines I have, and feel quilty that I'm not going gung ho 24/7 *using* it!
I like the idea someone posted about just going in, if even for a half hour, and sewing. I'm starting it right after dinner tonight!
You're all such a blessing!! Thank you! :) :)
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