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Old 10-24-2011, 07:22 PM
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I know I won't get a bit of sleep tonight. I was setting her playing bingo on fb. Then I was going to go back to what I was working on.

There was a knock on my door. I asked who it was. The guy said I'm lost! I run and got my handgun and hid it behind my back. I opened the blind and pulled it up. I did not open my door.

I told the guy which way to go. He said thanks and ok.
I laid the gun beside me. I went to my bedroom and peeked out the blind. There was a white or cream colored car, four door. I saw him go through the gate and get in the front seat. I also saw a cigarette glowing red. Someone else was standing outside the back of the car. I saw that person get in the back. So that told me there was three to four in the car. If it was only two the second guy would of gotten in the front seat.

I watched the car leave. It went right from what I could tell. I didn't see any lights go up the hill.

It was like 5 to 7 min. if that long there was another knock on the door. I think I asked who it was. The guy said it's me again. I'm still lost. I told him to go to the secondary road, take a right, go to the main road and take another right. It would take him right to where he wanted to go. He then said can I ask you another question. I said yes sir. By this time my attitude changed to being kinda rude. He said do you have any oil. I said no sir I do not. He said ok thank you.

I went back to my bedroom to peek out. That guy was no where in sight. He didn't go out the main front gate. There is a gate between our house and my quilt house. You would not know it was there in the dark. Get my meaning. I feel they had been scopeing the place out.

I went right straight and called 911. I told that guy what was going on. He said I'll send an officer up there. I told him ok. But if they try to get in on me, I'll shoot them. And I told the 911 guy that the state better annouce themselves.

It took the officers a good while to get here. I didn't answer my phone, I left it on the bed where I was watching out my window. I heard the state p do their siren thingy and went to open the door.

They saw me and got out. Asked if I had dogs. I told them they were in the house. They were coming through the gate and I told them I did have my handgun. That I would lay it on the table.

I told them the story again. They did not see the vehicle on their way here. And they had gotten other reports of them trying to get a ride from other people.

I told the state p that they might up went up one of the gravel roads at the bottom of the mountain. So they were going to check them out. I asked if they found out anything or caught up with them if they would let me know. They said they would have the guy at 911 call me. No call yet!

What I want to know, where did the car go? If they were trying to get a ride from someone else, their car disappeared.

Seems way to obvious to me! I bet the car was stolen and they were trying to get another ride. Or rob someone.

I got in touch with my son. But he lives in TN. Still helped calm me down. He told me to just keep the heat with me. He'll call me in the morning when he gets up to go to work. I'm to text him if the 911 guy calls.

I've never had anything happen like this before. We have been here over 30 years. Bet I keep my handgun with me at all times now.

The doggies will just have to potty in the house. I'll clean it up. I won't open my door after it gets dark any more.

Guess I'm up for the rest of the night. Anybody else up with me?
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