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Old 10-27-2011, 01:15 PM
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Originally Posted by buckyfan19
So we all know that 11/11/11 will be a neat day for most of us, but I just found out it might be a super special day for me. I am expecting my 2nd child... due date of 11/10. I just happened to put it out there to my Dr. at my last appointment, that it would be cool if we could do the c-section on 11/11. He said "Ha, sure how about 11/11/11 at 11:11am" I thought for sure he was just joking... not so! I got a call today to confirm that the surgery is scheduled for just that time. I wonder if we will make the newspaper or something! Now this little one just needs to stay in there for a few more days!

Oh, how lovely, hang on 'til that date - how awesome !!
I have recently had my 5th Grand child - I am extremely lucky !!!
All best wishes - let us know.
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