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Old 10-28-2011, 05:00 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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I have almost 20 year old, a just turned 17 year old (yesterday) daughters and a 12 yr old boy. Love the sign.

My almost 20 year old stated the other day that she was going to move out the day after she graduates college. I told her she didn't have to wait, if she desired to move sooner, she could. She then reminded me that daddy told her he'd disown her if she moved out sooner and wouldn't pay for RIT (the college she attends). I clarified that if she moved to the 'bad' part of town she'd been looking at, then yes we would disown her. We wouldn't have to even think about paying for her college as she'd be raped and dead shortly anyways. It was a REALLY bad part of town she was looking at. She's chosen to stay put for now. Would love to see her find a wonderful career and be making enough money to support herself in the manner that she's used to...all by the day after she graduates!
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