Thread: Joann's
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Old 10-29-2011, 09:01 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
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What bothers me at most stores is mothers bringing in little kids that are tired and hungry. Poor kids frustrations makes every one on opinioin and sticking to it. Sorry if I offended anyone.

I'm not offended as I agree with you. I do try to see their side though because I remember when I was a young mother with two little ones. If I hadn't taken my DSs with me, I would never have gotten out of the house. That makes moms and little ones very unhappy. What I dislike most is when the kids are allowed to run and scream through the store running into people. I was in Walmart yesterday and a young woman told her little boy he had better run and then she took off running while pushing her cart in front of her. he followed her saying "I running," Not a very good example of store manners. I try to make the best of it. I honestly don't remember my sons screaming and running around though. Maybe it's selective forgetting. :)
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