Old 10-30-2011, 02:06 PM
Swap Hosts
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Long Island, NY
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Originally Posted by Rhonda
Originally Posted by Krystyna
Rhonda, I'm wondering if there is a way to cut these using strips. I am a confessed scrapaholic and all the itty bitty pieces are driving me nuts. I can't bring myself to throw them out, but I should.
Yes you can sew strips together for the Bostons or the Kansas Dugouts. You can sew two strips together for the Kansas Dugouts and then trim the center strip to the size you want. Then sew on the third strip. After you have all 3 strips cut then cut off a 3 3/4" sections and then use the 2 1/2" template to cut out your Kansas Dugout. You can pull the remaining leftovers apart and resuse them to sew more strips together and cut out more blocks.

Have you seen my confusion method or the crumb block method that is posted on here? You can sew your little pieces into bigger blocks and do a crazy type block. It uses them up quite nicely!
Off to hunt for the crumbs method. Aside from the frightenly massive stash that I have in my studio, I did the change of season clothes swap in the closet in the eave in my bedroom. EEEEK! I had to pull out FIVE of those giant tubs full of fabric before I got to my clothing. One is completely full of strips and swatches. I better live a long time if I'm going to turn all of this into quilts.
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