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Old 11-03-2011, 06:26 PM
Gramie bj
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Thank you SueDor
Ok here is a short list
1 How do I get rid of all the OLD topis in the Whats New? Site? If I did not read them when they first came up 2+months ago I still do not want to read them.
2 Did we loose our bookmarks, if not where are they and how do I get there?
3 When doing a search for a post I just read today I entered the titel of the search and the board name of the poster it came back and said something about words to short and to comman for a search. It was the tital of the topic thread!
4 to follow any advice I recive about this board I have to copy and past to word on my computer because soon as I start to try what I have been told to try I leave this area and have a h--l of a time getting back to the post if I have to redo or double check the information I was given. Some times when I min. the board to check my word doc. and return to the board I have skipped to some place I have not been before! I thought at first it was my comp. so left board and tryed other sites. No skipping doing the same on other sites.

Thanks for trying to help this is just the tip of my iceburg! Just call me Titanic!
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