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Old 11-04-2011, 09:24 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: MO (the Show Me state)
Posts: 2,947

i hope everyone is having fun and finding some enjoyment with this boom. the last few days since the system converge has been a bit trying to say the least. the thirteen f8's i have remaining to date i hope to have in the mail on saturday or the latest monday (i have 3 more to complete). my remaining f8's will go in the mail with this last mailing.

i had included a note in my mailed f8's for colors within my f8's be used or complementary colors be used. if you haven't made my block yet, please keep that in mind. if i send out any f8's that may be hard to match colors, i will definately send a complentary color piece of fabric with it. the f8's i am using for this boom swap are limited pieces of fabric that i cannot replace. your block will be an original piece of work for the quilts i am planning.

i am missing f8's for the following people:

i haven't received acknowledgements from everyone who i mailed out completed blocks to. i was having troubles sending pm's for a bit until i just deleted everything so i am sure there are others having the same troubles. soooo...... i am making the assumption that all of the blocks that i mailed out 10/26/11 have been received or in some process of being received (international) unless i see something noted to the contrary.

happy sewing to everyone!
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