Thread: floppy disks
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Old 11-06-2011, 10:15 PM
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Originally Posted by clsurz
Don't know where one thinks usb is slow? It's a whole lot faster and better to use than floppies.

Floppies haven't been used in computers for years.

Y'all must have old and antiqued computers.

First there were the 5 1/4 inch flobby, than the 3 1/2 inch floppy, than the CD, than the DVD, and now flash drives.

I cut my teeth on 5 1/4 inch in the mid 80's and towards late 80's early 90's the 3.5 disk. By 1995 it was CD which almost immediately was replaced with DVD and than flash drives.
here's how old i am...we had 8" floppies in school in the early 80s... we all thought the 5.5" were the cat's meow.... and the problem today is not getting the's do you have an A drive in your computer...i'm on my 3rd upgrade with no 3.5" all the floppies in the world won't's all available online, whatever you want the download is faster and easier... and i have flash drives in several sizes...i prefer the small versions simply to divide my information easily/quickly...and they are really fast to do... and to take to a friends, computer cafe, etc.... i also use the online word processors...use Googledocs instead of Word and it's all saved in cyberspace instead of your computer anyway. the flash drives are really my backups because i can sit down at any computer with internet access and open up MY docs and alter, print, delete, whatever..... from anywhere.... there are other versions, also but Googledocs is the one i'm familiar with. we downloaded it in a few minutes and began to upload all the patterns, pix and docs... i still have docs i want to keep private and they are on 2 small flash drives (orig and backup...) all this speeds up your computer also, getting all those docs off your hard drive...
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