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Old 11-19-2011, 09:55 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
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Originally Posted by arizonagirl View Post
Chrys I'm sorry to hear that you have been so sick. I have said a prayer for you.
Ladybug I have sent you a pm.

Ok and now for what went on in my day. DH and I finally made it to Harbor Freight so that I could try out this blades in my rotary cutter. I also wanted to pick up a few other things. We get there and find one of the guys that work there. I ask him where I can find them. He said to me you a quilter? I said yes. He said you guys are the ones that always but them all. He said I don't think we have any left. Sure enough all gone. I ask him about some suction cups that were in the add. He shows me where they are and asked are you going to quilt with them too? I said yes, that they would work great on my large rulers. I told him at the LQS the things that I was there to buy were a lot more money. So here is what I bought at Harbor Freight today.
[ATTACH=CONFIG]289024[/ATTACH] The double suction cup was $5.99 the suction cups are rather large. They do have a different one that is used put on a shower or bath tub wall for $6.49. It looks very similar to the gypsie one that I have. I might end up taking this one back for that one. The large single cup is 4 1/2 inches and was on sale for $2.99, regular price $4.99. The small one is 2 1/4 inches for $2.99. The suction cups are on 2 different isles. The clips below were on sale for $1.00 regular price $2.99
I also got some things in the mail today. The first was the package from Krysyna. She sent me one of her embroidery hankie angels so that I could send it to my mama. It is more beautiful than the pictures she posted showed them to be. Such amazing details. Some of her jams and jellies. A calendar & coaster set that are very much my style. A lace cap. And a very festive pincushion that I like a lot.
And the 2nd package was a total surprise. It was from Marcus fabrics. They sent me 5 beautiful FQ's for a tip that I submitted. Here is the link to the site and you will see my suggestion and while you are there submit one of your own and maybe you will get a surprise too.
i think the habor freight guys are gonna wise up about all the products they have that the quilters use and raise their prices>>>> how much you wanna bet.[just kidding about the bet].
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