Old 11-19-2011, 07:49 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Cadillac, MI
Posts: 6,487

Hello, just taking a break from cleaning my fridge. Not a pleasant chore, but necessary. My weight is holding or up a bit, but I have been doing a lot of hit or miss eating - not planned meals. Must be I'm doing more hits than misses.

I used to make my children pizzas after school with halved English muffins, pizza sauce, pepperoni and cheese melted under the broiler. I don't see why you couldn't do the same with a tortilla. A quesadilla with pizza stuffing would work, too. Put the pizza ingredients on one side of the tortilla, fold it and grill it on a sprayed pan. For an adult one, I'd add some chopped up steamed broccoli, peppers and any other veggies of choice. Hmm, sounds like a way to use up some leftover turkey next weekend. I will have leftovers. I bought my turkey last night. I had a choice of 12 pounds or 25 pounds. I wanted a 18-20 pounder, but settled for the big one. What time is my 17 year old GD going to have to get up to get that monster in the oven? I'll have to promise her she can go back to bed. A 9 year old GS was with me to buy it and get it in my freezer. Good thing he's a tall strong one. He loves it when I need his help when I'm on child patrol. He took up 'sewing' last night. He has a 9 patch pillow top nearly done. He's have the top finished except he decided my machine went too fast, so he used it as a handcrank. It was cracking me up, but it kept him busy.

What are you doing special for yourself this busy time of year? I'll have to think about that before I answer. Don't let the sights and sounds of the season detract you from your goal. If something is tempting, savor three bites and dump pepper on the rest of your serving. DId I say I like pepper? I'll use salt - I don't like much salt.

What am I doing for myself? Taking the time to talk to y'all and reconnect with my goal for myself - to become leaner and healthier.

I AM losing weight and getting healthier.
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