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Old 11-20-2011, 07:53 AM
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Default Janie Doe, the 15 Clone - make over

There she was, on CL.
Shouting COME AND GET ME! please...
My kind of rescue.
I sent an email to the lady named Jane.
Got a reply -
YES!!! Janie Doe the 15 clone is mine!!!
I left immediately (I didn't want Jane to change her mind.)
When I got there I found Janie Doe, the 15 Clone trapped in a sewing table.
She was not able to lift her head at all without hitting the table top.
Even her foot control was tightly screwed to the table.
I think it gave her the blues.
Janie Doe, the 15 Clone was homeless until Jane rescued her from a closet in the warehouse.
Jane let Janie Doe, the 15 Clone sleep just outside her front door for many years
but alas it was time for Jane and Janie Doe, the 15 Clone to part their ways.
Jane and I gently moved Janie Doe, the 15 Clone out of her loft on a flat car,
over a noisy metal bridge, down the elevator, down a ramp and into my car.
Janie Doe, the 15 Clone did not complain - maybe she felt secure in her table?
I took her on the first ride she had in a long time - poor thing couldn't even look out the window.
There is no evidence that Janie Doe, the 15 Clone was car sick at all,
but since she is so heavy I doubt if she will travel around very far.
Janie arrived at my little shop.
(I shortened her name - my fingers were tired... besides, Jane is out of the scene.)
Poor Janie was stuck -very stuck- no access to her entrapment hinges at all.
DH, my own super hero, immediately released her from her entrapment by unscrewing the top of the cabinet.
Janie is in dire need of a clean up.
She has fuzzy grime in her bobbin area,
dried on oil in other places and a good amount of dust on her motor.
Her wheels and gears don't want to turn.
Janie is sort of plain in a 1969 sort of way.
Janie's birthday may be February 18, 1969 -
(it is stamped inside the entrapment table.)
She came with no accessories at all.
Her paint while dirty still has some of that old sparkle.
Her cords are not too fragile and her foot control looks good.
She will need a good clean up and a different place to park herself.
Janie has a knob to drop her dogs and set her feet to dancin'
Meanwhile Ms Franklin, the 15 Clone fits in the entrapment table nicely and is
much happier than in the termite chewed frame she was trying to live in.
Ms Franklin doesn't care, it's nice to have a firm foundation for once
and makes her feel so much younger.

Last edited by miriam; 11-20-2011 at 07:55 AM.
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