Old 11-28-2011, 05:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Crossstitcher View Post
Nancy, I don't know if you have a manual for your 319 so here is a copy of the pages using the bight controls. Hope this will help you some.
Thank you Trish, Candace was sweet enough to make me a copy of the manual, but some of the pages came out extremely dark - hard to make out the pictures/diagrams. I am going to play with my 319w this week. I know our problems will get resolved! All of my vintage and antique machines sew perfect stitches. Some of them took a little longer to attain those stitches then others when I was playing with them, but in the end they all came through. I know this 319w will too especially given that Candace had sewn a swatch using some of this machine's different stitches, and those stitches are perfect! I need things to settle down around here so I can try again with my "Candace."

First all the hub bub of Thanksgiving and company, which was so much fun! Then yesterday one of my horses, who I have owned his entire life - all 29 1/2 years - died. Not a good day for my DH, the kids, the grandkids, (who all rode him), and especially me! That horse did it all, drill team, shows, parades, rodeo grand openings, barrel races, cut cattle, camping, jumped, pulled a cart, won buckles, blankets, horse coolers for me, won one of the largest horse shows in California - the Gold N Grand -, and mostly he was my trusted friend and companion his entire life - from the time he dropped on the ground from his Momma. He safely taught everyone of the kids, grandkids, and some in-laws and friends how to ride.

Last edited by BoJangles; 11-28-2011 at 05:42 AM.
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